One Serious WAHM

Monday, March 20, 2006

Five Ways To Save Time

When you are working from home, you will find that you have many needs to be met under the same roof. You are managing a family. You are honing your personal identity and sense of self. You are running a business. Plus many of you are educating your children. That means that you need all of the time you can get. I have learned that saving a few seconds here and there really adds up. Here are five ways that you can save five minutes or fewer everyday and still end up with a cleaner home, better business, and happier family.

Wipe down the bathroom daily.
Use those nifty anti-bacterial wipes to wipe off the bathroom sink, counter space, and the back of the toilet everyday. Your bathroom will look cleaner, and it will not take as long when you need to do a full cleaning.

Cook two entrees at once.
If you're making spaghetti tonight, work on putting getting pork chops baking while the noodles are boiling. Then you will have tomorrow's dinner ready without any work.

Make everyone rinse and reuse cups throughout the day.
There is no need for everyone to get a new cup every time he or she wants a drink. Instead require everyone to rinse and reuse cup so that you don't have as many dishes to do.

Don't fold socks; rubber band them!
Assign everyone in your family a color and get rubber bands. Require everyone to band the socks before they go in the dirty clothes. You can pull them from the dryer and sort by band color. There's no matching and folding required, and there shouldn't be any single socks either!

Get more pairs of scissors.
If you're always running to the living room to get scissors for the kitchen, buy a pair for the kitchen. Double (or triple) up on all common items and put them wherever they are needed.

These quick time-saving tips won't save you hours a day, but the concepts will help you to begin to shave time from your day.


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